Wonderful Parngurr kids bloom in AWESOME residency!

Published by: Kayla MacGillivray | 17-Jan-2024
The students explored movement and mixed media on Country
Wonderful Parngurr kids bloom in AWESOME residency!
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AWESOME artists Leith Alexander and Rachel Arianne Ogle travelled onto the lands of the Martu People to Parnngurr Community School to spend a two-week residency exploring movement and media art forms.

Parnngurr children missed out on a residency in 2022 due to COVID-19, so had a long residency to make up for the missed time, with the first week of the residency exploring the 2022 theme of ‘Wonder’, and the second week exploring the 2023 theme of ‘Bloom’.

The students explored dynamic movement games and were introduced to mixed media technologies. They investigated different ways to document each other and explored interviewing techniques in the school and around the community. In an excursion on Country, the children gathered bush foods and took turns filming each other as they guided the class and viewers of the film through what is best to eat.

The artworks created by the participants were compiled into a short film showcase about how wonderful Parnngurr is, and the young artists were celebrated at the final assembly for the term attended by school staff, family and community members. You can watch the film at the link below!

Creative Challenge is AWESOME Arts’ core education program that embeds contemporary teaching artists in schools across the state. The residency program aims to build pride in community and explore self-expression through project management and creative learning skills.

This residency was proudly supported by Healthway and the Go for 2 & 5 message.

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