Quantifying brilliance: STEAMED Up Impact by the Numbers at Newman Primary in 2023

Published by: Kayla MacGillivray | 14-Dec-2023
The data shows clear benefits of using arts practice and creativity to more fully engage children in the classroom.
Quantifying brilliance: STEAMED Up Impact by the Numbers at Newman Primary in 2023
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In 2023 AWESOME Arts worked with the children of Newman Primary School to deliver STEAMED Up; a process-driven, artist-in-residency program that uses arts practice and creativity to more fully engage children with core curriculum and STEAMED (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, Enterprise/Entrepreneurship, and Design) subjects.

AWESOME collaborated with school leadership to co-design a strategic learning plan with educational and skill-based objectives. Throughout the project, we worked with 44 amazing students aged 8-10 years.

We were thrilled to engage Upbeat Digital on an quantitive evaluation of the community impact of the program. The impact evaluation methodology centred on student learning outcomes, community engagement, and the effectiveness of the artistic learning experiences. Data was gathered throughout the residency to measure change in the students. The following are some key highlights of the evaluation.

  • 80% of students expressed they were open to trying new things as a result of participating in the program.
  • 74% of students expressed they enjoy imagining and creating new things in their mind as a result of participating in the program.
  • Teachers noticed a 30% increase in students' positive relationships with their peers whilst engaged in the program.
  • Teachers noticed a 43% increase in students’ confidence when asking questions whilst engaged in the program.
  • Teachers noticed a 38% increase in students’ willingness to complete projects whilst engaged in the program.
  • 100% of parents said their child enjoyed the program.
  • 96% of parents said their child benefitted from the program.
  • 96% of parents said their child spoke about the program at home.
Thank you to the Newman Primary School staff, the parents of the students who participated, and our incredible Teaching Artists for the work they’ve put in to achieve such wonderful results.

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