Exploring the ‘wonder’ of media and movement!

Published by: Angela Ringuet | 11-Sep-2023
Creative Challenge visited Parnngurr community for one-week residency to explore movement, sound and media art forms.
Exploring the ‘wonder’ of media and movement!
In term one AWESOME artists Leith Alexander and Rachel Arianne Ogle travelled onto the lands of the Martu People to Parnngurr Community School to explore the 2022 Creative Challenge theme of ‘wonder’. This residency was supported by Healthway and the Go for 2 & 5 message.

All students, from ages 6 to 12, were invited to the Creative Challenge process-driven workshops. Participants were welcomed into the workshop space by playing some dynamic movement games and were introduced to mixed media technologies.

The young artists used the mediums of filming on cameras and go-pros, recording audio and photography. They investigated different ways to document each other and explored interviewing techniques and styles. Through the creative process the participants were encouraged to ‘wonder’ about their own individual voices and unique body movements.

They explored these documentary methods in the school campus, around the community and on excursions onto country. The changing environments gave new context to their creative process and inspired exploration of different techniques.

Elements of what was captured by the young artists were celebrated at the end of the week, they collaborated together for the next steps of their works which would follow by another week residency supported by Healthway and the Go for 2 & 5 message!

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