Exciting, colourful, collaborative canvases!

Published by: Angela Ringuet | 7-Dec-2022
In Term 4, 2022 AWESOME Artists travelled to Cue for their first ever Creative Challenge residency.
Exciting, colourful, collaborative canvases!
Request Image Contact: communityarts@awesomearts.com
AWESOME Artists Samantha Hughes and Nick Zafir travelled to Cue Primary School on Wajarri Country for a one-week Creative Challenge residency in November 2022. They explored drawing, painting, mixed media and photography. This residency was supported by Healthway with the Go for 2&5 healthy eating message.

The participants engaged with the Creative Challenge 2022 theme of ‘Wonder’ by exploring community, local stories, and reflecting on what makes them happy! The students joined in art-based games to create a fun space and encourage freedom when experimenting. The young artists explored numerous visual arts techniques such as painting with their hands and feet, using charcoal and faux watercolour. One significant story explored was a school camping trip to Walga Rock. They used experimental techniques to incorporate their memories of the trip into an abstract visual collaboration.

The children’s work culminated into a mixed media canvas which was unveiled at an exhibition at the end of the residency. The exhibition was attended by the entire school as well as some family and community members.

To capture the excitement of the celebration the children used Instax photography to take portraits and document the final art pieces. They were able to keep the photographs as a memento of their time during the Creative Challenge residency!

it was fun, we’ve never done anything like that before”– Participant

“I’m going to keep doing more art when you leave”- Participant

I wanna keep doing more art, I didn’t know it was like this!”- Participant

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