Published by: Natal Jimma | 17-Aug-2016
A free, licensed, mini-festival celebrating music, art, culture and cuisine, Diversity @ Dusk is the grand finale event of Queensland Multicultural Month. @bemacpresents
Venue: BEMAC
Address: 102 Main Street, Kangaroo Point QLD 4169
Date: 8/31/2016
Time: 04:00pm - 09:30pm
Ticket: Free
Web: http://bemac.org.au/events/diversity-dusk/
: https://www.facebook.com/events/158480677916358/
: https://twitter.com/bemacpresents
EMail: bonniem@acsl.org.au
Call: (07) 3391 4433
Held under the iconic story bridge at the Queensland Multicultural Centre in Kangaroo Point, Diversity at Dusk is a family friendly indoor and outdoor event open to the general public featuring live entertainment, culturally specific food trucks, an open bar stalls and activities and much, much more.

Supported by the Queensland Government, Diversity @ Dusk will also feature the only Brisbane performance of The Culture Train, which will have spent Queensland Multicultural Month touring regional Queensland with world­class performances from six globally ­renowned musical artists. The tour drives home the message of harmony and inclusion as it showcases the emerging local talents Queensland has to offer while bringing people in regional communities together for a spectacular celebration of Queensland and its cultural diversity.

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