DEITIES by Ian Kingsford-Smith artist

Published by: ian Kingsford-Smith | 10-Aug-2023
Exhibition of hand carved, painted sculptures and aquatint etchings
Venue: Laerk Gallery
Address: 163 Wilson Street, Newtown, NSW 2042, Australia
Date: Wednesday 30th August to 10th September 2023
Time: 10am - 4pm
Ticket: Free
Call: =61 408209757
DEITIES by Ian Kingsford-Smith artist
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Image Copyright / CDN: The artist
Group sculptures
In the current exhibition Deities, the artist has hand-carved wooden sculptures from Jelutong wood. Kingsford-Smith has researched diverse sources of three dimensional objects, including those from pre-Columbian, ancient Egypt, Polynesia, Olmac and Aztec cultures. These cultures produced pre-historic fertility and funeral idols, medieval votives and deities to represent their spiritual and symbolic values.

The worship of deities is not a religion in and of itself, but a facet of religious expression which recognizes the existence of elements beyond human control. This form of worship has been traced to the ancient Egyptians and Romans, and is at the core of some religious practices such as those in China, tropical Africa, Malaysia, and Polynesia..

The objects in the current exhibition are drawn from and juxtaposed with mythology, ancestral worship, and contemporary narratives as a way to connect the past, present, and future. By combining the historical with the new, it allows the audience to play an active role in contemplating their own life and spirituality.

The series of framed aquatint etchings illustrate the relationship between the living and the dead and the diverse dimensions of human experience. Kingsford-Smith has referenced compositional practices and narrative styles of medieval and renaissance work which were used to combat feelings of existential anguish and doubt.

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