Arts Management Net": What issues are important for young #arts professionals?

Published by: ANP | 2-Mar-2017
What notion of their future job do young arts managers have? What visions of the arts sector are driving them? And what are the issues they want to find new solutions for? These are important questions that show how the arts sector can and should develop to be ready for future challenges and the changing needs of their audience. For that reason, we decided that with this issue of Arts Management Quarterly we wanted to give those among the participants of the first Young Arts Journalism Awards (YAJA) - a project powered by Art News Portal, fostering online journalism among journalism and creative art students worldwide - who dedicated their articles to the field of arts management the chance to get a word in edgeways.
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For many employers, graduate certificates alone are rather meaningless for hiring decisions. What really attracts them is to find out if young candidates showed leadership in putting theory into practice while they studied. This is why graduate portfolios with demonstrated work experiences (e.g. internships, industry based learning, university leadership programs, volunteer work) are so important. But students enrolled in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences regularly miss-out in gaining relevant work experience. Opportunities to showcase their skills and talent are almost non-existent.

This is where the Young Art Journalism Award (YAJA) comes into perspective. The Art News Portal (ANP) as an established crowdsourced online art news feed gives university students and recent graduates with an interest in art, design and culture and a passion for engaging with an online audience the chance to present their creative skills and the issues of the arts sector they find most interesting to a wider audience.

Receiving praise from universities, media and arts professionals, the concept has proven exceptionally successful. Within the inaugural year the award has been recognised across the globe, receiving entries from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ghana, India, Italy, Russia, Singapore, Ukraine, and the USA. Thus, the YAJA articles that are presented in this issue of Arts Management Quarterly represent the broad range of themes and countries that belong to the field of international arts management.

" (Source:

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