Under her skin #2

Published by: Edmond Thommen | 9-May-2022
Photographic art has always been more than the image; it is a blending of a visual moment with the movement of the soul, the conveyance of emotion and the gentle awakening of the intent of the artist. Under her skin #2 takes Edmonds mastery of colour and form to create works that intertwine the charisma of the human form with the organic urban experience. Subtle and thoughtful composition has resulted in works that have a unique playful personality. The use of blurred lines, soften edges and abstract concepts leave the viewer free to explore, imagine and form their own interpretation of the tones, textures and experience. Edmond perfected this unique method originally by combining composited black and white negatives; today his own unique process sees digital technology image and editing technology pushed to their artistic limits to produce expressions of Edmonds vision.
Venue: M2 Gallery
Address: 4/450 Elizabeth Street Sydney Surry Hills NSW 2010
Date: 1-14 June 2022
Time: Opening hours: 11am-7pm Monday - Friday, 9:30am - 7pm Saturday & Sunday
Web: https://lnkd.in/gSyHVdzz
: https://lnkd.in/gif8Xh6e
: https://www.instagram.com/thommen_gram14/
: https://twitter.com/EdmondThommen
: https://www.facebook.com/etinsyd
EMail: etde@optusnet.com.au
Call: 0408258578
Under her skin #2 takes Edmonds mastery of colour and form to create works that intertwine the charisma of the human form with the organic urban experience.

Subtle and thoughtful composition has resulted in works that have a unique playful personality. The use of blurred lines, soften edges and abstract concepts leave the viewer free to explore, imagine and form their own interpretation of the tones, textures and experience.

Edmond perfected this unique method originally by combining composited black and white negatives; today his own unique process sees digital technology image and editing technology pushed to their artistic limits to produce expressions of Edmonds vision.

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