Love knows no time borders ♥

Published by: Tetiana Karpus | 25-Oct-2016
This short photo story definetely shows that Love knows no borders, no reason, no boundaries, no distance
My grandfather died 20 years ago from cancer. My grandmother was in despair, and resigned to the fact that she will meet old age alone.

One day at work, she met a man who invited her to the cinema. They were both 60 years old. They were married six months later.

There are some who marry for money, some for fame, others for desire, and still others out of loneliness. They have married mainly for really liking each other. Not always, of course, but nearly always.

This story definetely shows that Love knows no borders, no reason, no boundaries, no distance. It has a sole intention of bringing people together to a time called forever.

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