Lightfall | Solo Exhibition | Kerwayne Berry

Published by: Artsite Contemporary | 14-Oct-2022
Our vision - the way we view our world and nature - is only made possible through lights’ spectacular ability to illuminate all. Light falls and penetrates matter differently throughout the days, months and years. This difference turns the everyday into unexpected moments of everyday magic.
Venue: Artsite Contemporary
Address: 165-167 Salisbury Road
Date: 05 - 27 November 2022
Time: Thursday - Sunday | 11am - 5pm
Ticket: Free
Call: 0280959678
Just as we can find hidden aspects of ourselves when in nature, I find a different part of myself when I am in conversation with my work. There is an ongoing dialogue with each piece which requires a commitment to being open to what is presented. It is my fascination with lights ability to illuminate both the physical and spiritual that has fed my desire to interpret these moments, and share them.

I take hundreds of photos to capture light, but I don’t work from them. They are a tool, an “aide memoire” that I use to transport me back to the source of my inspiration. Whilst i create in my studio, it is my immersion in nature that sparks the desire to capture my feelings. It is these feelings that merge the outer world with my inner world, creating work that is more physical manifestations of memory and feeling rather than anything realistic. I strive for work of evocation.

The source of inspiration for the works forming this exhibition comes from areas ranging from Mudgee to Orange, the Blue Mountains to Cronulla and Lilli Pilli, down to Austinmer, Mollymook, and even Tasmania. These areas could not be more different in their offerings, but all have given me such pleasure, joy, and a sense of belonging.

Lightfall is Kerwayne Berry’s third solo exhibition at Artsite Contemporary Galleries and shows from 05 November until 29 November 2022.

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