Begin Again

Published by: Ellie HWANG | 4-Mar-2017
The art exhibition is for everyone who wants to/prepare to begin again.
Address: 19 Lawson St Eastwood, Brush Farm House
Date: 13 - 22 April 2017
Time: 0900 - 1700hrs
Ticket: Free
Hello Sydney,

KWASS is back on the topic of "begin again". The KWASS 10th anniversary event was held in the CBD last year and the artists at KWASS prepared for this exhibition with the hope of being born again.

Change is not always met with enthusiasm. It brings time for reflection about challenges faced and battles won. Begin Again is about confronting our fears and looking toward the horizon with expectation of a new life ahead.

If you are thinking about a new start, are preparing, or have already made a fresh start, KWASS would like to be with you. Your feelings for the beginning will come to you in color. "Begin Again" wants to communicate with you. The works will look at you, hear you, understand you, and accept you. If you need someone at your new start, find "Begin Again". It will add 1g of happiness to your life.

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